Foundation Awards 24 Grants in September

Published Date: October 30, 2020

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Dater Foundation Awards 24 Grants in September

Cincinnati, Ohio, October 30, 2020 – The Charles H. Dater Foundation began its 2020-21 fiscal year by awarding 24 grants totaling $630,000 in September, including $60,000 grant to Assistance League of Greater Cincinnati for its Operation School Bell program.

Grant recipients were given permission to alter program plans based on Covid-19 restrictions.

Grants made in September:

Arthritis Foundation, $20,000.  Kids Get Arthritis Too is a program that includes a JA Days, Fall Family Camp and the JA Power Pack filled with educational materials and other information about resources and support for children with arthritis and their parents.

Assistance League of Greater Cincinnati, $60,000.  Operation School Bell is a back-to-school program that provides school clothes including uniforms, jackets, pants, shirts, underwear, socks and shoes along with hygiene supplies to about 4,500 children in need at 40 area public and parochial schools.

Beech Acres, $25,000.  Beyond the Classroom at Dater Montessori school will provide full, wrap-around mental health support as service providers work with school staff to understand the needs of each student and all school families.

Bi-Okoto Drum and Dance Theatre, $20,000.  The E Sin Mi D’Afrika (Come Follow Me to Afrika) residency employs multisensory, multidisciplinary arts integration to enhance learning experiences in the daily academic curriculum for 3,000 students at six schools.

Boy Scouts of America - Dan Beard Council, $25,000.  ScoutREACH ensures that all young people have an opportunity to join Scouting by delivering the Cub Scout and Boy Scout program to low income and underserved minority youth.  More than 2,000 participate.

Children Inc./Learning Grove, 50,000.  Scaling for Impact is a $5 million capital campaign aimed at expanding the organization’s number of programs, projects and services that benefit low income children and families.  Early childhood classrooms will double, scholarships will be available for the neediest families, and an Innovation Lab will focus on research-based tools and practices to enhance programming.  This is the fourth of five grants as part of a $250,000 commitment to the campaign.

Cincinnati Art Museum, $25,000.  Family Learning at the Museum includes Art in the Making, Baby Tours, Family First Saturday, Summer Camp, Family ARTventures and Young Artist Open Studio outreach to young people throughout the community. 

Cincinnati Chamber Orchestra, $15,000.  The Community Engagement and Education Program includes partnerships with MY Cincinnati, Cincinnati Art Museum, Cincinnati Children’s, CAIN Ministries in Northside, City Gospel Mission and Mindful Music Moments. 

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, $50,000 (fourth of five $50,000 grants 2018-2022).  The Hematology/Oncology Research Department’s Translational Core Laboratory is actively involved in moving cell and gene therapies into clinical trials.  The Foundation has made annual grants of $50,000 in this area since 2000.

Cincinnati Observatory, $20,000.  Staffing support for the education department ‘s docent program allows for expanded hours to accommodate several thousand additional visitors each year and continued support to the expanded youth outreach program.

Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park, $30,000.  Education outreach tours will take three productions and present 100 performances at area elementary schools, impacting over 25,000 students in grades K through 6.  The focus is on schools that provide little or no access to the arts.

Cincinnati Shakespeare Company, $25,000.  An in-school education program provides exposure to the works of Shakespeare and other classics through performances and workshops for nearly 30,000 students, including free programs at schools in underserved urban areas.

Elementz, $25,000.  The After-School Arts Program for at-risk, inner city children and teens encourages creativity, character building, and improvements in self-esteem. 

Fernside: A Center for Grieving Children, $25,000.  An virtual evening program and a remote grief peer support group program are in place to provide serv ices when in-person contact is not possible. 

Keep Cincinnati Beautiful, $25,000.  The Environmental Education Program delivers an impactful message about litter prevention and environmental stewardship to elementary school children in the region.  There is no cost to schools.

Learning Through Art, $15,000.  Books Alive for Kids will produce 10 quality programs for use on TV and digital platforms to continue its arts literacy outreach when in-person presentations are not possible.

Madisonville Education and Assistance Center (MEAC), $20,000.  Begun in 2009, a free early childhood literacy program includes School Day, After School, Family Literacy Night and Summer Reading Camp.

Peaslee Neighborhood Center, $20,000.  Six programs serve over 300 low-income young people ages 6 to 18 and provide them with consistent access to arts, music and civic education.

Ronald McDonald House Charities, $15,000.  The Family Performance and Activities Program provides games, arts and crafts, shows and entertainment – many of them held in the Charles H. Dater Performance Theatre -- for guests at Ronald McDonald House.  This grant will provide performer stipends and cover a portion of administrative costs.

Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, $20,000. Three AmeriCorps volunteers work with students at Corryville Catholic Elementary School, where inner-city students in a Choices for Children mentoring program excel. 

Starfire, $25,000.  Community Building programs utilize full-time staff “connectors” who work with developmentally challenged Starfire members and their families.  The emphasis is on identifying the particular interests of each member so meaningful work, volunteer and social opportunities can be made available and a network of friends can be developed.

Taft Museum of Art, $45,000.  Educational programs for children and families, including school tours, Artists Reaching Classrooms, Third Sunday Funday, a Girl Scout program, and Summer Art Day Camp.  Activities impact more than 5,000 children and many programs take place in the Taft’s Dater Education Room.

University of Cincinnati - Med Mentors, $15,000.  Medical students volunteer to mentor young people through outings to local cultural venues and special events that the youngsters would not otherwise have the opportunity to attend.  Nearly 200 medical students, about one-fourth of the medical student population, participate.

University of Cincinnati Foundation - Greater Cincinnati Stem Collaborative, $20,000.  Two after-school programs – 3d Printers Club and STEM Bicycle Clubs – meet weekly throughout the school year with the goal of developing and expanding students’ interest in STEM fields.  Over 1,300 middle school students in 65 clubs participated in 2019-20.

The Dater Foundation makes grants to non-profit organizations in the Greater Cincinnati area to carry out programs that benefit young people and focus in the areas of arts/culture, education, healthcare, social services and other community needs.  Information about the grantmaking process and guidelines and links to an online grant application website are available at

The private foundation was established by fourth-generation Cincinnatian, businessman and philanthropist Charles Dater (1912-1993) to ensure that his resources would continue to fund worthwhile community programs after his death.  The foundation has made more than 3,300 grants totaling over $55 million since its inception in 1985.


For additional information regarding this news release, contact Roger Ruhl (513/598-1141).
The Charles H. Dater Foundation, Inc. is located at 700 Race Street, Suite 301, Cincinnati, OH 45202.

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