3805 Edwards Road, Suite #550
Cincinnati, OH 45209
Civic Organization Team Support and Field Trip Funding
Adopt A Class is a group mentoring program that connects businesses and civic groups with students in high poverty schools. Mentor teams from each organization are paired to individual classrooms. These teams engage with students through monthly visits, pen pal letters and an annual field trip. Through this model, students are exposed to a breadth of organizations, experiences and careers over the course of their time in elementary school.
The Dater Foundation grant specifically enabled civic organizations that cannot afford the $550 membership fees to participate in the Adopt A Class model thus increasing the reach to additional classrooms and students. It also provided funding for student field trips outside the classroom. Adopt A Class collectively mentors over 6,000 students in 32 schools across Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky.
Adopt A Class
3805 Edwards Road Suite #550, Cincinnati, Ohio 45209
Project Title: Civic Organization Team Support and Field Trip Funding
Focus Area: Education
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