Salvation Army

114 East Central Parkway
Cincinnati, OH 45202

The Salvation Army Learning Center at the Westside Corps

The Salvation Army Learning Center (5-Star rating by Ohio’s Step Up to Quality assurance program) offers safe, nurturing care and unique educational opportunities to children of families in the Price Hill area. The Learning Center offers infant, toddler and pre-school programs focusing on quality care and significant early-learning experiences that help children meet developmental milestones and prepare for success in school. Before- and after-school care and summer programs serve children K-12, and provide educational enrichment, emotional support, physical activity and character-building opportunities.

Because of the Dater Foundation grant, The Learning Center has remained present for Greater Cincinnati families during the pandemic, meeting the needs of 298 children while nimbly navigating the unique challenges of service delivery in 2020. In addition to safely adapting our infant, toddler and pre-school program operations to rapidly changing health guidelines and social restrictions, the Center expanded school-age program to full-day operations to help families overcome barriers the pandemic created for providing children safe and supervised education during remote learning. The expanded-hours coverage also helped parents and guardians maintain or seek re-employment.

Additional Information:
The Salvation Army in Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky is a faith-based charitable organization that serves more than 40,000 individuals every year through a broad array of social services. Programs include providing food for the hungry, relief for disaster victims, assistance for the disabled, outreach to the elderly and ill, efforts to end human trafficking, adult rehabilitation services, clothing and shelter to the homeless, support to veterans and opportunities for underprivileged children to attend before/after-school, academic enrichment, summer enrichment programs and Camp SWONEKY.

Amount: $15,000
Date: August 2020


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700 Walnut Street, Suite 301 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Telephone: 513-241-2658   Fax: 513-241-2731