1057 Meta Drive
Cincinnati, OH 45237
Operation School Bell
Assistance League of Greater Cincinnati, celebrating 20 years of service, is an all-volunteer organization supporting philanthropic programs that improve the lives of individuals and families in the Greater Cincinnati area. Operation School Bell is its signature program positively impacting students in need. Every academic year, Operation School Bell outfits an increasing number of students from public and parochial schools who are economically disadvantaged. During 2017-2018, students from grades kindergarten through six were referred by school personnel and received new school uniforms consisting of shirts, pants, underwear, socks, belts and fleece jackets. Students were either fitted for clothing at the the Assistance League's Ruth Prall Center or received clothing through the “in school” distribution program. In total, approximately 4,000 children from 41 schools received the clothing needed to support their academic success in school.
Assistance League of Greater Cincinnati
1057 Meta Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45237
(513) 221-4447
Project: Operation School Bell
Social Services
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